Love Is...
"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that
you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."
~Wayne Dyer
One of the most profound lessons I have learned during my present journey upon this earth is how to emotionally nurture myself. When we were children we believed that our parents provided all the emotional nurturing we needed. Then as we grow into adulthood, we are not taught how to nurture our own emotionally needs so we continue to look for it outside of ourselves. So we look to our spouse/significant other and intimate friends to nurture our emotional needs so we can feel safe, sane and secure.
But what happens when your spouse is home late and didn't call you.....again! What if he/she is nagging you about your less than perfect behavior. When those we expect to provide for our own emotional needs fall short, we think, "He/She must change so I can be happy." "If you would straighten up your attitude then I can be happy." "If you would just call to tell me you're going to be late then I can be happy."
Do you really want your happiness to be dependent on another person's actions and behavior? Instead learn to nurture your own emotional needs so no one will have to be, do, or say anything so you can be happy.
you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."
~Wayne Dyer
One of the most profound lessons I have learned during my present journey upon this earth is how to emotionally nurture myself. When we were children we believed that our parents provided all the emotional nurturing we needed. Then as we grow into adulthood, we are not taught how to nurture our own emotionally needs so we continue to look for it outside of ourselves. So we look to our spouse/significant other and intimate friends to nurture our emotional needs so we can feel safe, sane and secure.
But what happens when your spouse is home late and didn't call you.....again! What if he/she is nagging you about your less than perfect behavior. When those we expect to provide for our own emotional needs fall short, we think, "He/She must change so I can be happy." "If you would straighten up your attitude then I can be happy." "If you would just call to tell me you're going to be late then I can be happy."
Do you really want your happiness to be dependent on another person's actions and behavior? Instead learn to nurture your own emotional needs so no one will have to be, do, or say anything so you can be happy.