Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Devil Inside - Get to Know Your Shadow Self

Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.— Dr. Carl G. Jung

We go through life blaming others for our suffering and unhappiness when in reality we create our own unhappiness. We are our greatest obstacle to our own happiness and well-being. We would rather walk around with a fake smile while wearing rose colored glasses and live in quiet desperation rather than face the source of our darkest fears...the "Shadow."

It is so much easier to blame than be responsible, at least that's what your Shadow would lead you to believe. When you blame someone else for your suffering and unhappiness you relinquish your power to do anything about it. You are forever under the control of other people and circumstances because you choose to blame and give your authority away. The Shadow sabotages your relationships, jobs, and denies your spirit by keeping you from realizing your destiny and your dreams. As long as you continue to sweep the Shadow under the rug, bury and repress it, the Shadow will remain a powerful force in your life because you lose your power to choose. When you don't have the power to choose your own response to a particular situation, your Shadow chooses it for you.

The Shadow is everything you deny to be you. Carl Jung defined the Shadow Self as "that which we think we are not." In your journey back to your Self, that which you think you are not must be embraced and integrated. It may be your belief that you are not like your coworker who is such a negative person with less than perfect behavior, something you deny having within your own character. The very fact that you are disturbed and agitated about your coworker's less than perfect behavior is proof that the same behavior lurks within your Shadow Self. If these things were not in you to begin with then seeing them in your coworker would not trigger your emotions. The Shadow shows itself through your projection of judgements on others. What you don't own about yourself you project onto other people. Terrified of being discovered, the Shadow disowns the less than perfect behavior and uses judgement of others to protect itself, but this only prevents self-realization. When you don't own an aspect of your life... it controls your life.

The Shadow is the place where your dark impulses originate and hold you back, make you fearful and keep you feeling inadequate. It stifles your passion and limits your ability to be creative. You know these forces as fear and anxiety. You chalk them up to insecurity or a personal inadequacy and try to live with them as best you can. When you try to uncover the truth of what is really holding you back, you find yourself up against a great deal of fear and resistance. You struggle and hobble along trying to break through an invisible barrier but never seem to get very far. It doesn't have to be that way.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Love is....

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."
Wayne Dyer

Friday, November 18, 2005

DuPont Hid Chemical Risk Studies

Associated Press Writer
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON Nov 16, 2005 — DuPont Co. hid studies showing the risks of a Teflon-related chemical used to line candy wrappers, pizza boxes, microwave popcorn bags and hundreds of other food containers, according to internal company documents and a former employee.
The chemical Zonyl can rub off the liner and get into food. Once in a person's body, it can break down into perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts, known as PFOA, a related chemical used in the making of Teflon-coated cookware.
Read more: ABC News

Thursday, November 17, 2005

True Prosperity

There was a man who appeared to be ragged and financially destitue. He came upon a road boss and he said, "I need work." The road boss said, "Go over there and roll that big stone up and down the hill, and that will fulfill your need." The ragged man responded, "You don't understand. What I really need is money." The road boss said, "You didn't say that. If it is only money you need, here is $50, but you can't spend it." Again, the man was confused. "What I truly need is food, fuel and clothing, not just money." The boss responded, "Again you didn't say that. If you truly need these things, take the money and spend it on food, fuel and clothing, but don't eat the food, nor burn the fuel, nor wear the clothing..." Because of the road boss, the man was forced to look at what he really needed, which was a sense of security, a sense of inner satisfaction. These are all invisible; all are within the mind and made of a divine substance.
-Self-mastery manual

When you break it all down, it wasn't work that he needed, nor was it the money or even the things money can buy. It has something to do with an inner sense of fulfillment, of satisfaction, of being taken care of. It is the ability to be able to manifest all of those things in your life, with or without money or food or fuel or whatever. What you think you need and what you truly need are often very different things. Prosperity is in the now. It is in your mind and in your thoughts. You'll never find it in material things. The only thing you'll find in the material world of things is a need for more material things.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Aurora Dawn

My website Aurora Dawn is back up. It's small with little content but we're working hard to make improvements. My friend Holly is my webmaster (thank the gods she knows what she's doing because I certainly don't).

Currently, I have a lot of content written about yoga that is waiting for Holly to upload. She's been very busy lately with redesigning my class schedule. I plan to add information, in the future, about Reiki and about the Self-mastery program that I am just ga-ga over. That will come in time.

Life is good!