Monday, December 05, 2005

More Benefits from Meditation

We all know the peace and stress relieving benefits of meditation. Now there may be scientific evidence of physical change in the body from a regular meditation practice. Scientists have found that those who "meditated regularly had increased thickness in a region called the insula, central to integrating thoughts and emotions." This could explain how stress is released as a result of meditating.

Here's another quote from the article: "Most of the increased thickening was in the right hemisphere, in the prefrontal cortex, which sustains attention and regulates memory. Those areas generally thin as people age, so one hypothesis is that meditation might slow age-related brain loss. Three of the 20 meditators practiced yoga in addition to meditation and had even greater increases in brain thickness."

I personally have found meditation to be the most important tool for improving my life mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Meditation is something every human should practice regardless of the spiritual path they may be travelling.

Read the entire article
Thanks goes to my mom for sending me this article.


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