Money Money Money....
We really do live in the land of opportunity but most of us live pay-check-to-pay-check. Why is that? Is it a lack of education? To some extent I think it is but that's not the real problem. For example: If you take a person who is always broke and give them a million dollars, would that person be broke again in a year to two years? I would say a resounding YES. Why is that?
Just looking at my own experience I can tell you that even though I got the big income and the financial education, money was still illusive. I tried very hard to follow the plan but I could never increase my streams of income on a consistent level. It was like there was a thermostat control that would return my income stream back to the level it was before, which was just making ends meet.
In 2003 I wrote a business plan that I KNEW was going to be successful. Part of the plan was to hire a mentor. How could I go wrong with a mentor supporting me every step along the way? Well, failed it did and miserably. I was so deep in debt that it really scared me. For the first time in my life I could not pay my bills. The funny thing was I really believed in this plan and could FEEL the success. This was it!!! This was the plan that was going to make my "ship come in."
All the while I was working my plan along with my mentor I was battling what seemed like a wall of resistance. I really wanted to do the work but I felt this incredible force holding me back. It was the weirdest feeling in the world and it wouldn't be until 2005 before I could find out what this mysterious barrier was.
I started a program in the Spring of 2005 called Self-mastery Program. This program was a definite eye-opener and cleared away the fog. You know, if you can't define the problem, you can't find a solution. Well the Self-mastery program taught me how to define the problem. I discovered the thing behind the thing, behind the thing, behind the thing that was causing the invisible barrier.
I have studied the many self improvement greats such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, and so on. There is much to be gained by following their teachings but it really did not provide me the tools and insight for uncovering my unconscious beliefs. Affirmations I found would only re-affirm the negative. I would affirm that I had more money than I needed while my mind affirmed that I really didn't have enough money. It's more than uncovering your money beliefs, though, because that's only part of the problem. Uncovering the fact that your parents made negative comments about money did and does affect you. But there's more to the equation than that.
When we are children we developed our beliefs based on what we believed we needed to do to be safe. If that belief said that you had to withdraw emotionally to be safe instead of express your emotions, then you may end up in close relationships where you do not believe you are safe to express your emotions. You're an adult now and don't have to protect yourself like you did when you were a child. Children are vulnerable because they are not powerful enough to stand up for themselves in defense of their boundaries.
I could go on forever but I'm going to stop for now. Anyone reading this who wants to know more can contact me.
Just looking at my own experience I can tell you that even though I got the big income and the financial education, money was still illusive. I tried very hard to follow the plan but I could never increase my streams of income on a consistent level. It was like there was a thermostat control that would return my income stream back to the level it was before, which was just making ends meet.
In 2003 I wrote a business plan that I KNEW was going to be successful. Part of the plan was to hire a mentor. How could I go wrong with a mentor supporting me every step along the way? Well, failed it did and miserably. I was so deep in debt that it really scared me. For the first time in my life I could not pay my bills. The funny thing was I really believed in this plan and could FEEL the success. This was it!!! This was the plan that was going to make my "ship come in."
All the while I was working my plan along with my mentor I was battling what seemed like a wall of resistance. I really wanted to do the work but I felt this incredible force holding me back. It was the weirdest feeling in the world and it wouldn't be until 2005 before I could find out what this mysterious barrier was.
I started a program in the Spring of 2005 called Self-mastery Program. This program was a definite eye-opener and cleared away the fog. You know, if you can't define the problem, you can't find a solution. Well the Self-mastery program taught me how to define the problem. I discovered the thing behind the thing, behind the thing, behind the thing that was causing the invisible barrier.
I have studied the many self improvement greats such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, and so on. There is much to be gained by following their teachings but it really did not provide me the tools and insight for uncovering my unconscious beliefs. Affirmations I found would only re-affirm the negative. I would affirm that I had more money than I needed while my mind affirmed that I really didn't have enough money. It's more than uncovering your money beliefs, though, because that's only part of the problem. Uncovering the fact that your parents made negative comments about money did and does affect you. But there's more to the equation than that.
When we are children we developed our beliefs based on what we believed we needed to do to be safe. If that belief said that you had to withdraw emotionally to be safe instead of express your emotions, then you may end up in close relationships where you do not believe you are safe to express your emotions. You're an adult now and don't have to protect yourself like you did when you were a child. Children are vulnerable because they are not powerful enough to stand up for themselves in defense of their boundaries.
I could go on forever but I'm going to stop for now. Anyone reading this who wants to know more can contact me.
Both of you have very thoughtful comments that caused me to think about these issues.
I find that the people I admire most are not those who are financially successful like Bill Gates, but they are people like Jane Goodall who work for the good of the natural world. (Bill Gates is now working with the Chinese to block any Chinese bloggers from using the word "democracy", an example of the rich willing to sell their souls for a dollar.)
The pursuit of the dollar usually involves taking resources away from the animal kingdom and adds pollution to our environment.
Studies have shown that wealth does not bring happiness and I agree with marcguyver, that we should be appreciative of what we have instead of always wanting more (greedy Americans).
A new study revealed that "functional psycopaths" make better investors, CEOs and lawyers than normal people because they lack normal human emotions.
Dr. Jane Goodall will never be rich and she'll never be accused of being a psycopath because she cares about others (including non-humans). She and others like her are tirelessly working to protect remaining natural resources from selfish wealth seekers.
Both of the above posters make good sense and bring some perspective to the idea of success. Too many people are caught up in relentless persuit of something, I gotta have that something, I gotta be like that other person, I gotta find myself before it's too late, I gotta get that something NOW, before Mr. Jones next door gets it. I believe this is like a twisted version of the so-called "American Dream", but I think you can be successful and still be respectful towards nature, animals and people. I think if you are going to assume the burden of judging yourself as successful or not, you need to first define what succcess for you actually is. Seems to me, that stressing about "being successful" might actully block your own progress towards true well-being, appreciation for yourself, others and the world. Relax, let life happen.
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